Написать письмо » Новости пользователя » Регион: Таиланд Город: Bangkok Возраст: 69 Пол: мужской Достижения в проектах:Эльбрус, 15/09/2011 Килиманджаро, 20/02/2011 Орисаба, 11/02/2017 Демавенд, 07/07/2016 Эльбрус, 15/09/2011 Килиманджаро, 20/02/2011 Орисаба, 11/02/2017 Демавенд, 07/07/2016 Монблан, 03/07/2012 Эльбрус, 15/09/2011 Килиманджаро, 20/02/2011 Аконкагуа, 26/02/2012 Денали, 15/06/2014 Костюшко, 21/10/2012 Эльбрус, 15/09/2011 Килиманджаро, 20/02/2011 |
Дополнительная информация I have already 56 yo. I live in Thailand for over 25 years. We have snow in refrigerator only. Today I'm tourist - high mountain tourist. After over 30 years I start again - from Kinabalu Mt (4,095m) 4x (2009, 2010, 2011, 2013) - I already summit - Kilimanjaro in Feb 2011 (5,985m) and Elbrus from north side (5,642m) on the 15 of Sept 2011. I love my family, also snake (ssssssssssssss) and high mountain. From the 26 Feb 2012 + Aconcacua (6,962m), and from 3 of July 2012 + Mont Blanc (4,810m). On 21 Oct 2012 + Mt. Kosciuszko (2,228m). On the 15 of June 2014 + Denali / Mc Kinley 6,195m