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Dirk Stephan

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Регион: Германия

Город: Bodnegg

Возраст: 59

Пол: мужской


Достижения в проектах:

Эверест, 20/05/2007
7 Вулканов, 2 объекта
Эльбрус, 24/07/2001
Килиманджаро, 03/01/1987
Эльбрус, 24/07/2001
Килиманджаро, 03/01/1987
Эверест, 20/05/2007
Эльбрус, 24/07/2001
Килиманджаро, 03/01/1987
Аконкагуа, 25/01/2001
Карстенз, 15/03/2008
Денали, 05/07/2003
Костюшко, 05/12/2007
Дополнительные объекты:
Винсон (4892м), 21/01/2002
Проект Super Girls, 2 объекта
Эльбрус, 24/07/2001
Килиманджаро, 03/01/1987


Дополнительная информация

You will find all summit pictures on:
Just point with the mouse on the summit and find the picture with the dates.
Elbrus and Kosciuszko were summitted completely solo, for Elbrus there are some danish climbers which I did met, however the email might be lost. For Aconcagua, I summitted Solo, my companion turned around at the canaletta. The expedition was organized by my self. I have plenty of documentation, video, slides. There is no doubt at all about all the seven.

I am climbing since 30 years, starting with age of 12. I was climbing a lot in the Alps, mainly Mont Blanc, before lots in Austria etc.

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