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Vinals Jaime

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Регион: Гватемала

Город: Guatemala City

Возраст: 58

Пол: мужской


Достижения в проектах:

Эверест, 23/05/2001
7 Вулканов, 2 объекта
Эльбрус, 20/07/1998
Килиманджаро, 15/11/1997
Эльбрус, 20/07/1998
Килиманджаро, 15/11/1997
Эверест, 23/05/2001
Эльбрус, 20/07/1998
Килиманджаро, 15/11/1997
Аконкагуа, 17/01/1995
Карстенз, 26/10/1999
Денали, 08/07/1995
Костюшко, 12/10/1999
Дополнительные объекты:
Винсон (4892м), 09/12/2000
Проект Super Girls, 2 объекта
Эльбрус, 20/07/1998
Килиманджаро, 15/11/1997


Дополнительная информация

I have been on the mountains the last 20 years, I finished the Seven Summits at the year 2001.

Afterwords, I started the challenge called The Seven Islands of the World which means to climb the highest summits of the seven largest islands of the World, such as: Greenland, Baffin Island, Madagascar, Borneo, Sumatra, Honshu and New Guinea. I finished it successfully at January 2006.

Since 2007 i am involve in the challenge to climb the 50 most Prominence Summits of the World, I have already achieved 25 of them.

Страничка: http://www.jaimevinals.com

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